The Truth of American Division

What’s the deal in our country where every time I turn on the TV or swipe left on my phone I see and read about the great division and hatred in our country? You see, this problem is not a new problem. The truth is that the real problem is not being exposed, the truth of American division. The truth is God created the heavens and the earth. He also made man in His own image, and desired to have a relationship with him. Although, he didn’t force man to have a relationship with Him, He gave man a choice. Man chose to do opposite of what God told him. The God who spoke light into the world. The God who made the waters and grass and trees. The God who made every animal. The God who so carefully formed man and breathed life into him. The God who has always been and always will be. A God so wise that there is no god beside Him. Adam and Eve chose sin instead of obeying a perfect and all-wise God and chose their own way bringing sin into a perfect world. They had two sons. God specifically told them because … Continue reading The Truth of American Division