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Faith Freedom

What America Needs from Her Citizens- Part IV

Thank you to all who have been following this ongoing post of what America needs from us! We’ve come to the end, and I’d like to wrap it up with two last points.  In many ways, the following principles could be applied similarly to the areas discussed in the previous blog.  

america needs

America needs you to stay engaged in your country.

Sounds rather obvious, considering the title of this whole post.  And while it seems like an imposing – or impossible – task, it really isn’t.  I’d like to suggest that if we put into play all the other efforts I’ve talked about over the last few weeks, we will affect our country.  Think of it: with Christians ministering and working in their towns and states, the country as a whole will begin to change.  You can start small.  Remember the first part of this blog in which I called believers to engage in their homes and their churches? Start there.  That’s where a Christian nation sprouts from: Christian families and local churches.  

There is something else we need to do to obtain God’s blessing on our land, and that is pray for Israel. 

God has pronounced blessing on those who bless Israel and cursing on those who curse Israel.  Right now, our government is not standing with Israel.  Though we are supposed to be an ally, we have committed some serious betrayals against Israel during the last few years.  You might argue that the federal government is responsible for that, because you would never wish harm on Israel, so there’s nothing you can do.  Actually there is. 

america needs

What America needs is for us to pray. 

I said once that prayer is the most important thing we can do, not the least.  It’s a weapon, and we need to start employing some weapons because the enemy is very active.  He hates that Israel is God’s chosen people.  He hates us for supporting them.  But the Scripture gives us the specific command to pray for Israel, specifically Jerusalem. 

It’s almost a strange injunction when you think of the centuries-long unrest in the Middle East.  Yet, it is the location where Jesus will return and set up His kingdom on earth.  It must hold a special place in God’s heart.  He longs for His chosen people to receive Him as their Messiah.  Maybe our part in the whole plan of history is to pray so the hearts of the Jews will be softened and many will turn to Christ before the end times.  Think of that when you pray.

Pray for the military. 

america needs

With all the Godless ideologies that are flooding into every corner of our culture, our military has taken attack from within. We have been seeing more and more LGBT and trans agendas being pushed ahead of defense and security.  Service members are being harassed and even dishonorably discharged for their faith or their views on gender and the “C” shots.  Over the past couple of years several countries, including Russia, have created military recruiting ads that make a mockery out of the United States armed forces. 

Understand, I am not speaking of the noble men and women who serve in the capacity of true patriots and sacrifice their comfort, convenience, necessities and even lives for us.  I’m talking about the power-hungry bureaucrats and woke personnel who are pushing these agendas at the expense of safety…and sanity.  Even some high-ranking officers have bought the lies about the vaccine mandates, resulting in hundreds of ignored conscientious objections, dishonorable discharges, and even suicides of young servicemen. 

Losing so many service people has hurt our defense.  Being politically correct and non-offensive has taken precedent over reality and duty.  It’s a major concern, and one we must tackle.  Again, the best thing you can do is pray.  The next thing is found in my final point.

america needs

America needs you to stay engaged with your elected officials.

You have no idea what a phone call or a letter can do.  Remember, you are the people. Our elected officials are only elected because…we elect them.  In theory they must do as we say.  I know it’s not so simple, but we still need to make use of this system everywhere we can.  Working with your local leaders can bring about changes, as we’ve discussed before.  If enough concerned citizens come out and speak up, the officials will listen.  It’s been happening across the country as people oppose graphic sex education in the schools, drag queen performances, vaccine mandates, infanticide, illegal immigration and the accompanying drugs and sex trafficking, and other encroachments on freedom. 

Several governors have taken incredible steps to fight the lawlessness in their states, and they need backup.  They need support and prayers.  They need people behind them who say, “We see the evil and we’ll help you stop it.”  Of course, we cannot force goodness on anyone.  We can’t make our state a moral, God-honoring place simply through legislation. 

What I long for is another Great Awakening, in which hearts turn to the Lord.  If hearts change, then the states can change. Don’t you yearn for all this as much I as do? Let’s pray with the faith that whatever we ask in the name of Jesus, He will do.  I know one thing: it is His will that every person comes to Him.  He wants no one to perish.  He loves everyone. After all, we could all be in a state of darkness except for His grace.  We need to love people while we work to win them.  So let’s pray, and while we pray, let’s stay engaged as citizens of our present home, America.

Speaking of making change, it’s voting day. The latest podcast episode talks about this topic more. Listen HERE!

Check out Part III of this series here.

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