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Dealing with Hurt- Part III



The question is how do we forgive and forget the hurt that we have faced from others? Obviously, forgetting hurt is not an option. We will always remember what we have done to others or what others have done to us. The only option to truly healing our hurt is to forgive. The question is, how does this happen? I want to give you a few ways that may help you forgive.

Forgiveness is not pardoning someone for what they have done or excusing them for their actions. Forgiveness does not mean that all problems or feelings about the situation are gone; in addition, it does not mean that the one causing the hurt will not face repercussions for their actions. Forgiveness is more beneficial for the one forgiving than the one being forgiven. In order to forgive, you have to accept what has happened to you, give it to God, and realize that He is the one that allowed this hurt to come in your life.

Forgiveness is treating the one who has caused the hurt as if they done nothing wrong. One of the very first steps of forgiving is being willing to forgive. Can you imagine if Christ had not been willing to forgive us? If Christ had first not been willing to forgive, then the outcome could have been much different. On the cross Jesus said, …Father, forgive them; for they know not what they do… (Luke 23:24). It would have been impossible for Christ not to be willing to forgive us; nevertheless, he was willing first. Furthermore, we must first be willing.

God’s Word commands us to forgive in Mark 11:25-26.

How important it is for us to forgive! When we forgive we have the benefit of Christ forgiving us and answering our prayer. When we forgive we will experience peace. We must first give our hurts to God by telling Him, and then He can be in control of the situation. When God is in control, we can have perfect peace. The one we are forgiving will have to live with the hurt that they have caused; at the same time, Christ will give us peace to deal with the hurtful situation. When we forgive we are saying to God that we trust him in the situation and that we believe that He knows best.

This is a topic that one blog will totally not exhaust. So, I plan to write more about this topic at a later time. I hope this blog helps you, and if you have any questions feel free to email me any time. Here listed are a few more verses about forgiveness: Matthew 6:14-15 and Psalm 103:12. I would do a Bible search on the topic of forgiveness. You will be amazed at how you can experience healing from your hurt!



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    Glenda Summers
    August 2, 2018 at 1:47 pm

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