Reaching the Next Generation will take shaping the actions, beliefs, and aspirations of the younger generation. We are standing on the precipice of a new era;…
The next three areas in which America needs, I’d like to call Christians to engage could be rolled into one because they’re pretty similar. This is…
Today I want to share with you the 3 things America needs. This will be a four-part blog presented in the coming weeks.The first three of…
What does being still actually mean is the question I’ve been asking myself recently. Many of you know that two of my children and I were…
I want to talk about Why I Love America, because a sense of love and patriotism seems to be lost amongst some of our fellow Americans…
“If it be possible, as much as lieth in you, live peaceably with all men.” (Romans 12:18) I love this verse in the Bible! Although, I hear…
Whether you are a teenager about to start your own journey, or you are a young mom facing many new challenges, or you are a veteran…
I do not know if you all have noticed or not, but our nation is in a battle. We as Christians can no longer bury…
As I walked down life’s path, I turned and walked up a driveway to visit a teenager. I walked through the living room, through the…
Someone is counting on you. Someone is praying for you. Someone in the future needs you to make it. The grass is only greener on the…