
Why I Love America

I want to talk about Why I Love America, because a sense of love and patriotism seems to be lost amongst some of our fellow Americans in 2022.

The left is loud and the media is the microphone enabling them to tear our country down, disgrace our precious American flag, and disrespect our national anthem and soldiers that fight to keep us free. 

Despite what you hear all around you, there is a group of people that love America.

They may be larger than ever before, passionate about our great land, and ready to see America become great again. I’m a part of that group which is why I wanted to share a little about why I love America and what makes it so great. 

America is filled with luscious forests, vast desert lands, mountain ranges, caves and canyons, wide open fields, and some of the most beautiful beaches I’ve ever seen. Its land is rich in vegetation, oil, and farm land that has been passed down from hard-working farmers with the all-American dream. 

I’ve been all over the world, and still nothing brings me to tears like our own land.

I love America! As beautiful as our country is, what makes America so special is the people that make up our fifty states and our rich history that is unique to only those that can call themselves Americans. 

Dating back to 1775 when the Revolutionary War took place, our soldiers were sacrificing their lives not just for their families- but for the lives and freedom of those people they had not yet met. They died for us- so we could carry the title “American”. Patriotism dies when people forget the extreme harsh fate that came to those men that purchased our American liberty with their blood. 

Another reason why I love America is because of the strength of our founding fathers.

Men like George Washington, Thomas Jefferson, James Madison, Benjamin Franklin- these men stood for right and chose to build our entire government on Christian morals, faith, and a downright ethical belief system. They sacrificed their entire lives so we could have the guidelines we still follow today. 

It wouldn’t be America without our soldiers overseas today.

I love our great nation because as I sit here, there are men and women all over the world that are missing a child’s ballgame and going days and nights without word from a loved one to fight for our country to remain free. Those brave soldiers knew the day that they were sworn into the military that their lives were on the line. They knew when they said goodbye to their families at the airport that they may not come home. 

The last reason I love America that I’ll mention today, is the civilians that make up this land that I love.

For the most part, our country is filled with kind, loving people that strive to band together in tough times, that work hard, take care of the needy, and hold freedom dear- even in times of vulnerability. Of course, in this day and age, there are exceptions because there will always be evil in the world. There will always be someone that is unkind- sometimes in both political parties, unfortunately.

For the most part, however, our country is derived from greatness and still possesses strength, loyalty, honor, and patriotism.

I believe these qualities can be found in most Americans today, and inside each of their hearts can not only be found an extreme sense of gratefulness, but a heart filled with American pride and love for this land we get to call home.

The following are a few ways that you can love America more:
  1. Pray for her and her leaders. 

“Righteousness exalteth a nation: but sin is a reproach to any people.”

Proverbs 14:34
  1. Learn the true history of the United States of America.
  2. Read the Constitution.
  3. Respect the flag and our anthem.
  4. Vote.

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The following are a few pictures from our most recent trip to Washington DC:

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